
We want to hear from you so we can improve Period.

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Known Issue: iOS 12.5

Unfortunately some people with devices running iOS 12.5 are experiencing crashes. iOS 12.5 runs on older devices that are unable to upgrade to iOS 15, and it's been challenging to troubleshoot.

This issue remains our top priority, and we're working on a fix. If you have any information that can help us resolve this issue, please let us know. Thank you for your patience.

Your Feedback

August 24, 2022

That is true and an oversight on our part to handle mid-cycle bleeding. Thanks for bringing this scenario to our attention. We are working on a feature to address this.

July 30, 2022

That's very curious! Sorry about that. Unfortunately, we don't see that behavior on our test devices. To troubleshoot this, it is helpful to know 3 things:

  • What version of the app are you using? For example, the latest version of the app is v4.23. You can find the version number at the bottom on the Setting screen in the app.
  • What iOS version are you using on your iPhone or iPad? You can find this on your device's Settings app under General, and then tapping About and looking what is listed as the Software Version. For example, I'm running 15.5.
  • What device are you using? For example, is it an iPhone11 or an iPad Air?

Please pass along this information using the support form or emailing us directly at

July 27, 2022

You can delete an entry. Sorry that the feature is not obvious.

From the calendar, tap on the entry to go to the entry screen, where you can see all the entries for that day and add new entries. If you swipe left on the entry that you want to delete, you will see a delete button. Tap on the delete button to delete the entry.

July 11, 2022

The dash appears in the widget when the app can’t calculate an expected period. We only calculate expected periods if your average period length is at least 3 days long, your cycles are somewhat regular, and your average cycle length is between 20 and 40 days. If this is the case, then we’re also not showing expected periods in your calendar. Do you see expected periods in the calendar? If so, then there’s something awry.

July 6, 2022

Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, there is no great way to do this. The safest way to do this is to manually delete each data entry, but that’s time-consuming. You could also do this: export all of your data and then remove the old data from the file. Then delete the app (which will delete all data), reinstall the app, and import the updated data file. Be sure to review the exported data file before deleting the app just in case anything is missing.

May 17, 2022

Thanks for the suggestion!

May 10, 2022

Cycles end when a new cycle begins, which is indicated by a period. If you log a period (i.e. bleeding), then your cycle should end and a new one will start. Did you want to start a cycle without a period? If so, the app doesn’t do that today but maybe it should. We'll look into building that feature.

May 4, 2022

Hmmm. This could be caused by a couple of things. 1) Be sure to be signed in with your Apple ID. To see if you are, go to the Settings tab and scroll down. You'll either see a "Sign in with Apple" button, which you can use to sign in, or you'll see a "Stop Using Apple ID," which means that you're already signed in. 2) Make sure you're sign into your iPhone or iPad using the Apple ID that you used when you subscribed. Because we do not keep any personally identifiable information, we rely on Apple ID to recognize that you have a subscription. Feel free to reach out directly to for additional support, questions, or comments.

February 1, 2022

That is not good. I suspect that you're using Apple Health, and somehow it's overriding your entries. If you have other period apps also connected to Apple Health, they might also be overriding entries. If you are using Apple Health, I would try disconnecting other period apps and possibly disconnecting from Apple Health altogether. Read more about connecting and disconnecting from Apple Health. Also feel free to reach out directly to for additional support, questions, or comments.

January 27, 2022

Oh, no. Unfortunately you are not alone. The team is troubleshooting this and will get a fix out asap. THANK YOU for your patience! Also feel free to reach out directly to for additional support, questions, or comments.

January 22, 2022

Oh, yeah! That's great idea. We'll start working on that.

January 17, 2022

Oh, no! That's a bug! Hidden entry types should stay hidden. We didn't see this behavior in our test devices, but now that we know about it, we will find the bug and fix it. Thanks for the heads up. Also feel free to reach out directly to for additional support, questions, or comments related to this.

November 2, 2021

Great ideas! We are in the process of expanding the types of reminders that you can set, and we'll add the late reminder to our list of upcoming features. Stay tuned...

September 27, 2021

Apologies! Thank you for reporting this. Unfortunately, we were not able to reproduce the problem. If it continues, please let us know which iOS Software Version you're using (e.g. 14.7.1). You can find this on your phone under Settings > General > About. Also tell us which version of the app you're on. (You can see the version number at the bottom of the Settings page. It should look something like "Version 4.02.") So sorry! We'll get this resolved for you! Also feel free to reach out directly to for additional support, questions, or comments.

September 27, 2021

Great idea! We're in the process of revamping reminders, and this would be the perfect thing to turn to next. Expect to see this feature in mid-October.

September 1, 2021

That makes a ton of sense. We'll make it possible to create more reminders. Expect to see that in the app in early October.